Portuguese Language and Culture Course (Level I)
Portuguese – A1 (Beginners Level)

Portuguese Language and Culture Course (Level I) Portuguese – A1 (Beginners Level)

This course ‘Portuguese Language and Culture Course (Level I)’ is ideal for all those living in Portugal and coming from a foreign country who want to improve their level of spoken and written Portuguese. It aims to give participants an overview of Portuguese grammar and vocabulary with special focus on acquiring and improving language skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work.

Main Objectives
 • Understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple statements, aimed at satisfying concrete needs.
 • Introduce oneself and others and be able to ask questions and give answers about personal aspects.
 • Improve communication skills in Portuguese.
 • Understand the structures of Portuguese language and develop vocabulary and fluency.

Specific Objectives
 • Identify the topics of short messages produced slowly.
 • Retain central of a short oral text.
 • Understand instructions given clearly and and follow simple, short simple and short instructions.
 • Follow a speech very slowly and carefully articulated, with long pauses that allow you to assimilate meanings.

 • Produce simple and isolated expressions about people and places.

 • Interact in a simple way, although communication can depend on repetition at a slow repetition, rephrasing and corrections.
 • Ask and answer simple questions, initiating and responding to simple statements in the area of immediate needs or on subjects that are very familiar.

 • Write expressions and sentences.
 • Ask for or transmitting personal information in writing detailed.
 • Fill in a form with personal details.

 • Understand short and simple texts.
 • Understand simple messages, for example in correspondence (emails, sms, etc.).
 • Understand basic names, words and expressions that are familiar to them in everyday situations.

 • Personal identification and presentation
 • Personal characterization, physical and psychological description (self and others)
 • Family and social life – family relationships, friends, work relationships
 • Leisure and free time
 • Home and household items – rooms in the house, indoor and outdoor spaces, everyday objects, etc.
 • Services and society – health and safety services
 • Services and purchases – commerce and payments
 • Education, study and working life – school and university, professions
 • Portuguese geography – regions and geographic properties

 • Latin alphabet and graphic signs
 • Letters
 • Accents
 • Nasalisation marks
 • Grapheme/phoneme correspondence
 • The sounds of Portuguese – consonants, vowels and semivowels
 • Graphemes
 • Digraphs
 • Nasality
 • Numerals
 • 3.1 Cardinals
 • Ordinals
 • Pronouns
 • Personal (subject, direct object and indirect object)
 • Reflexes
 • Nouns
 • Gender inflection
 • Number inflection
 • Countable and uncountable nouns
 • Adjectives
 • Gender inflection
 • Inflection in number
 • Normal and comparative degree
 • Determiner articles
 • Definite
 • Indefinite
 • Determiners and pronouns
 • Demonstratives
 • Possessives
 • Verbs ser and estar
 • Forming simple sentences
 • Affirmatives and negatives
 • Adverbs of affirmation and negation
 • Simple interrogative sentences
 • Interrogative particles: onde, quando, quanto, como, qual, (de) onde, (de) quem, que/o que, porque
 • Prepositions of origin, movement and place – de, para, em, a
 • Temporal reference – antes de, depois de, hoje, ontem, amanhã
 • Present tense of verbs:
 • Regular – 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugations
 • Irregular: ter, haver, poder, fazer, vir, ir, ver, ler, trazer, querer, sair, saber, poder
 • Periphrastic inflexion estar a + infinitive and ir + infinitive
 • Simple past tense of verbs
 • Regular – 1st, 2nd and 3rd conjugations
 • Irregular: ser, estar, ter, fazer, vir, ir
 • Future tense of verbs

The course methodology will ensure the active involvement of the participants in all phases, that is, prior, during and after the delivery of the course. More specifically, upon confirmation that the course will take place, the participants will receive preparatory material (if needed), which will cover all important concepts to be presented during the delivery of the course. The participants will have the opportunity to exchange feedback with the organiser of the course and the trainer as well as to request any clarification related to the content of the course.

The methodology of the training is based on a combination of three important elements:
 • Provision of knowledge required (theory)
 • Use of training tools, such as case studies, videos, games, animations & exercises (practice – hands on experience)
 • Feedback/reflection (review)

During the delivery of the course, the participants will receive hard copy material, which will cover the content to be presented in all five (5) days of the course. The material will be presented in a form of Power Point (PPT) presentations, videos & animations. Moreover, the active involvement of the participants will be secured through various training tools, such as case studies, worksheets, scenarios & exercises. These training tools are necessary to ensure that the theoretical knowledge gained by the participants can be used in real life scenarios; an important aspect & added value for any training course.

At the final day of the course, the participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the information received and the experience gained in the specific field of study.

Benefits to participants – Skills and competences
The course is ideal for migrants who wish to improve their oral and written fluency in Portuguese as well as their capability to participate actively in society.

 • Upon completion, participants in this course will be able to:
 • Improve their oral fluency in Portuguese including phrasing, intonation and rhythm.
 • Speak Portuguese more articulately.
 • Participate in daily life activities within the Portuguese society.
 • Gain self-confidence in speaking Portuguese.

Certifications awarded
 • Certificate of attendance
 • Europass Mobility Document (if requested)

Training Programme
 • Introduction and course overview
 • Individual expectations – setting up the course goals
 • Stages of language learning process
 • Short presentation about Portuguese language
 • Expanding vocabulary; discussing the importance of a national language and the practice of learning foreign languages in different countries

 • Question and Answer session for clarification of methods and language structures discussed on day 1
 • Introduction to basic grammar
 • Sentence and text formation
 • Developing language skills; learning how to learn
 • Learning techniques and methods: developing speaking skills while practicing speaking in groups and pairs
 • Expanding vocabulary

 • Question and Answer session for clarification of methods and language structures discussed on day 2
 • Description and comparison
 • Learning techniques and methods: developing writing skills; coherence and cohesion
 • Learning techniques and methods: developing listening skills using songs and recordings
 • Listening session (exercise)
 • Expanding vocabulary; discussing motivation in the classroom and active learning

 • Question and Answer session for clarification of methods and language structures discussed on day 3
 • Learning techniques and methods: developing reading skills – skimming and scanning
 • Reading session (exercise)
 • Word transformation (exercise)
 • Focus on pronunciation; the most common sounds of Portuguese language
 • Expanding vocabulary; discussing benefits of asking questions and self-reflection
 • Carrying out the week’s task: Developing one’s learning plan including methodology and materials

 • Building self-confidence; using Portuguese in real settings
 • Delivery and Feedback
 • Summary – goals review
 • Reflections – Evaluation

Standard course fee
450 EUR
Includes class materials & coffee-breaks

Optional pack
+75 EUR
Includes 3 visits to companies/business related to the topic of the training course + 1 cultural visit (e.g. local beaches and/or Underground Museum or similar)

Andreia Baptista

Ana Ribeiro (ana.ribeiro@raisemotions.pt)

Target audience
Adults who wish to deepen and develop their communicative competence in Portuguese and who have an elementary knowledge of the language, which translates into being able to produce a simple and coherent discourse on familiar issues or matters of personal interest.

English (Level B2 Required)

5 Days

“Portuguese Language and Culture Course (Level I) – Portuguese – A1 (Beginners Level)” availability

February 17 to 21, 2025

Now accepting registrations

March 3 to 7, 2025

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March 10 to 14, 2025

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April 21 to 25, 2025

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May 12 to 16, 2025

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June 23 to 27, 2025

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July 7 to 11, 2025

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July 14 to 18, 2025

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