Elena Bonifaz
Elena Bonifaz was born in Mexico City and attended a dual-emergent program for her primary and secondary education. She was a recipient for a scholarship at the California State Polytechnic University in California where she gained a Bachelor’s degree in Science. She continued her studies in that university and attained her California Teaching Credential with a CLAD certificate (Authorization for Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development for English Learners). Later on, she pursued school administration by completing a Master’s degree in Educational leadership and a Tier1 administrative credential. Over the course of her professional journey, she deepened her understanding through participation in conferences and workshops geared towards the education and empowerment of underprivileged children across the United States.
After dedicating many years to the field of education, a tragic event unfolded in her family, necessitating a change in her living situation. About three years ago, Elena decided to make her home in the charming town of Aveiro. Here, she finds joy in the local culture and has become an active part of the learning community. She volunteers her time teaching English classes and supporting other educational programs.